Thursday, August 23, 2012

He will wipe away every tear.....

Normally, my posts are about light and happy things that happen in this culture. However, this particular one will not be. So prepare yourself. I have a lot to say.

There are so many things about this culture and this country that are absolutely wonderful. I love being able to walk out my door and see the huge smiles of my watchmen. My heart soars every time I speak phrases to people in Malayalam and they respond with belly laughs. One of my favorite things to do is to buy eggs behind our flat from the sweetest shopkeeper. But one thing I cannot tolerate and absolutely hate is the abuse of women in my country. However, I feel like I need to make a disclaimer here. It does NOT happen all the time. In fact, I have no idea if it happens more here than in the States. There are many men that are honorable and have gone out of their way to serve Danae and me. But what I do know is that the majority of the women that I am closest to in this city have experienced some sort of abuse from a man.

This growing bubble of anger started inside of me a few weeks ago when a dear friend of mine opened up about being sexually abused by an older man when she was very young. It was pretty much gut-wrenching to hear about, and in my heart I just kept telling the Lord, "This is NOT ok!" Then, another friend of mine shared a story about going to a job interview and how the man she was interviewing with tried to touch her in an inappropriate manner.

I finally reached my boiling point when two older women who clean our gym told me about how their husbands also abuse them. One of the women doesn't have good English, but she was able to say "Husband. Danger. Drink." And she motioned with her arms what he does to her. Today, both women showed me the scars on their bodies that their husbands gave them. I was speechless.

And what's so hard about it is this: NO ONE is fighting for them. I can't just go to the police and tell them. They don't care. No one seems to care. As I was processing through all this mess inside of me, all I wanted to do was go give these men a taste of their own medicine. I know, I know. You get a peak of my flesh here. But then God reminded me of something. The only way these men will change is through the power of the Gospel. It had the power to change me from the selfish, horribly sinful person that I was. It had the power to change a man like Paul who persecuted Christians into a man who gave His life to tell people about Jesus. And it has the power to make every single South Asian person into a new creation. Beautiful.

The Lord also reminded me that yes, I do care for these women. A lot. But He cares for them even more. Scripture is abundantly full of verses that shows God's heart toward people the world seems to overlook. He loves the women of South Asia (and the men too) way more than I ever could. His heart breaks every time a woman is neglected, beaten, or sexually mistreated. He hates it even more than I do. And, He promises justice. One day, we all will have to give an account to Him for our lives. There will be justice for these women, and my job is to proclaim the truths of the Gospel: one day, God will make all things new! Praise Him!

So if you are reading this, pray for justice to reign in South Asia. Pray for the women here to be honored, taken care of, and cherished as the Lord commands. Pray for men and women alike to know the One True God and to worship Him as such. The only way for there to be true reform in this culture and cultures around the world is through the power of the Gospel.