Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Living in India is well.....it's different. I am convinced that there is literally no place on this earth like it, so to even describe this land wouldn't do it justice. This country brings out the absolute extremes of my personality. Sometimes, I laugh so hard I cry and most of the time, my smile takes up my whole face. But there are moments when I am just plain angry. I want the beggars to stop touching me. I want the auto driver to simply give me meter. I want to be treated as equally as a man.

But this week has been exceptionally good. So maybe I am on a happy high? Regardless, I wanted to make a list of things about this country that legitimately make my heart happy. I hope this gives you readers insight into my life here.

1. The Sweet Shopkeepers: Danae and I have made friends with this dear Muslim Uncle, and he happens to own a jewelry shop that we like to frequent. Every time we visit him, he gives us the best deals and sincerely seems to enjoy seeing us. And there are others too that treat us so well. It's refreshing.

2. The Produce: mango season, strawberry season, pineapple season.....we love it all! On our street is the best fruit/veggie stand where you can find fresh, yummy produce for super cheap. Normally, for about 4-5$ we can get tomatoes, cucumber, onion, carrots, peppers, mangos, and apples. It's awesome.

3. The Accessories: ok y'all. I own far too many pairs of earrings, bracelets, and scarves. But I can't help it! There are so many pretty things that are just to cheap to pass up! You know all those beautiful scarves from Target (oh how I miss it!) that cost between 15-20$? Ya, I can get them for like 3-5$..... or less. Boom.

4. The Food: ok I will be honest here. There are some things here that I hate! Like basically any Indian sweet (yes, I have secretly thrown away many a "treat" or stowed one in my purse without my host noticing. Judge me). But for the most part, the food is rockin awesome. Nothing is better than walking to my favorite local Indian restaurant called Shanti Sagar and ordering the North Indian Thali for less than 3$.  This is a picture of a Thali plate. It's basically a bunch of curries, rice, and naan. So yummy!

 5. The Salons: I am a salon frequenter for sure. Nothing is more relaxing to me than getting a hot oil massage or pedicure. And once again, the prices are so cheap! I really have no idea what I am going to do back in America about my eyebrows. I have gotten so used to getting my eyebrows threaded for 40 cents. I guess it'll be back to plucking! 

6. The People: of course! Some of my best friends live here, and I really can't imagine life without them now. Leaving in 7 months is going to be so difficult. 

There are so many more things that I could list, but why don't you come visit and find out for yourself? :)