Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Our Turn to Host!

So you know how I posted about how incredible South Asians are at hospitality? Well, let's just say Danae and I need a little work (ok. I'll tell the truth, we need A LOT of work) at having South Asians in our home. It was a near disaster, but like all things that happen to me in this country, I walked away with abs exhausted and eyes wet with tears from all the laughing I did. What can I say? The Father is very gracious.

Danae and I have made friends with a family who live near our city. And I think to say friends is an understatement. I legitimately feel a part of their family when I am around them. The mom really treats us/takes care of us as daughters. It is a very special gift. Well, anyway, Danae and I normally visit them every week, and the last time we visited them, I invited them to visit our flat. Because they do a wonderful job of serving us, I was looking forward to the opportunity to serve them and show them the love of Christ in our home. They told us that they would visit sometime the next week. Sadly, they never came, but it wasn't completely surprising because here in South Asia, that's just how it goes. No problem.

So another week passed, and this past Saturday I got the long awaited phone call from the family. The younger son (who speaks English) informed me that the family was going to come visit us on Sunday at 4:00 pm. I excitedly told them that we would be waiting for them. Then, at the end of our conversation, he said, "We will come today or tomorrow" which kinda left me stumped. Were they coming today or tomorrow? But alas, I could not coax an answer out of him, so Danae and I prepared ourselves for either day. Well, Saturday came and went, and they did not show up. Then Sunday came, and Danae and I made cookies and cleaned and made sure everything was perfect for four o'clock. Well, once again, four o'clock came and went, and they didn't show up. Danae and I had determined that they simply weren't going to come when I got a text message saying that they would come at 6:00 pm. So we waited for them. And 6:00 came and went. And then at last, at 6:15, they called saying that they were at the boat jetti which is about 15 minutes from our flat. I told them to get an auto to come here, and they said ok. Well, thirty minutes passed and they still hadn't shown up yet. Danae and I were perplexed until they called asking us where we were. Panic hit me as I realized that there had been a big miscommunication between us regarding how they were getting to our flat. We grabbed our stuff and flew out of our apartment, both feeling terrible since it had been raining buckets outside all afternoon.

We hailed an auto to the boat jetti. The poor family was standing huddled under some umbrellas. But, thank goodness, our miscommunication didn't seem to bother them at all! We piled into two autos and drove the short distance to our flat. We took them up to our apartment where we gave them a taste of their own medicine. We insisted that they sit down as soon as they got inside and immediately gave them peanut butter cookies and popcorn. Although, the peanut butter cookies weren't the biggest hit, they devoured the popcorn. Danae got up to make chai, and the family insisted that we take pictures together. They pulled Danae away from the chai, and while we were posing for photo after photo, the chai got too hot and exploded all over the kitchen. It was quite a mess. The mom just laughed at us and helped us salvage what was left. As the family was drinking chai, I shared a pack of Poptarts with them, and they actually liked it!! I think they were shocked that we eat them for breakfast though :) We then tried to serve them water from the fridge, and they all immediately asked for water that wasn't so cold. So different from the States!

Before the night was over, I had laughed so much. The family made fun of Danae and I so badly because we use toilet paper instead of water when we use the restroom, and they laughed so hard at how much taller I am than everyone else. They also shared the incredible news that their oldest daughter (and one of my close friends) is pregnant! Before they left, I popped an extra bag of popcorn, and it was hilarious to watch the mom and daughter stand mesmerized in front of the microwave as the bag inflated. They had never seen that before! Go figure.

Finally, it was time for them to leave, and before they left, they said, "next time you come to our house." In other words, you are sweet to have us over, but next time, it will be best for you to come to us :) Oh, well. We tried, and I think they love us all the more for it. 

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