Monday, January 9, 2012

This will probably be short. But I really want to just take a minute and praise the Father. I mean seriously, He is so good! Over the past few weeks, I have been reminded (pretty constantly) of my shortcomings and mostly just my sin. I am thankful that the Father has been faithful to convict me of those areas of sin that so easily entangle. But tonight, I read Psalm 51 where David is basically pouring out his heart and soul to the Lord. He says things like, "Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your steadfast love!" and "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." Throughout this whole passage, David is showing what true repentance looks like. It was such a good example of how sorry we as believers should feel over sin. So as I am reading this, I am thinking about all the sin in my own life and how undeserving I am of God's grace. Multiple times I was thinking, "Lord, why on earth do you put up with me?!" And He gave me this verse: Psalm 30:5 "His anger is but for a moment; His favor is for a lifetime." PRAISE THE LORD. Through Jesus, I have full atonement and forgiveness and FAVOR. God looks at me like His own child. He likes me! We have such a good daddy.

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