Thursday, March 8, 2012

This post is about one very special lady. She is a best friend, a confidant, an encourager, and a wonderful model of a P-31 woman. And she will probably kill me for posting this, but hey, I have done way worse to upset her :) I wish I was a better writer so that I could do her justice; but alas, my writing skills are in the "need to work on" area of my life that tends to grow cobwebs.

You see, Whitney and I have been friends for over ten years now which completely blows my mind! I have almost been friends with her for half my life! During middle school, she put up with my ridiculous immaturity always encouraging me to be mature in Christ. In high school, she taught me what it meant to be obedient to Christ and His Lordship in my life. In college, she taught me what it meant to woman who was kind and compassionate like Jesus. And now she is an awesome example of a woman who is devoted to the Father, her husband, and her soon to be child (I can't wait to meet my little mini wee or likey mikey!)

The biggest example of Christ that she has been to me was when she told me to go. I really don't think she understands what that meant and still means to me. She was enough like Christ to put His desires for my life above her own. I know that it hurts her for me to be gone for two years, but I also know that ultimately, she wants Christ to reign in my life. And that encourages me deeply.

Whitney, I love you so stinkin much. It is just about going to kill me to be gone for two years, especially during this amazing time in your life. But thank you for speaking the truth to me and considering me better than yourself. You are on amazing woman, and I love you :)

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