Monday, July 1, 2013

God Bless 'Merica!

So July 4th is coming up soon! And I am beyond excited to celebrate with one of my best friends, Marie Mcdonald! She is traveling all the way from Africa to experience July 4th Indian style. I hope she's ready ;). It's weird to think about where I was a year in a different city, celebrating my first real holiday away from home. And here I am a year later more thankful than ever that I am an American.

Believe it or not, living overseas has made me even more patriotic. And I think it's because the rest of the world just doesn't do it like America does. I used to easily hate on America and the problems that I saw when I lived there. High taxes, high gas prices, dishonest politicians, and that doesn't even begin to touch the surface.  But living overseas kinda spins America in a different light. It's easier to see the good rather than the bad. It's easier to remember America as land of opportunity and freedom, of choice and independence.

Over the last year-ish, the Lord has taught me a little bit about my patriotism. First of all, I realized how easily America can become an idol in my life. Living in India makes me long for my home. Not because I don't like it here, because I honestly do love my life and work here. But I miss the familiarity of home. I miss the cereal aisle at Publix, Mexican food, the freedom of driving, good ole' southern hospitality, football, my family and friends, and so many things that are familiar, comfortable. But every time my heart starts to dream/long for home, the Father reminds me that my home is heaven. What a beautiful truth. America won't always be around. And not only that, but I probably and Lord-willing won't be living in America for a good chunk of my life. But being with the Lord finally and for eternity, that is truly home. And that's good stuff. I pray that more than anything, I remember that I am ultimately a citizen of heaven and not even a citizen just of earth (Phil 3:20 But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ). And that citizenship comes with a great responsibility.

I live in a place where lostness literally hits me in the face daily.....people completely separated from the Lord on a path to eternal damnation. So while I know I am a citizen of heaven, I am surrounded by thousands (literally, I mean my city has millions of people) who don't know the Lord. But guess what? I didn't need to come to India to be surrounded by lost people. It's in America too. The Lord says that the way is narrow for a reason. It scares me to say that even American churches are filled with people who don't truly know or walk with the Father.

I know that while living in America it's easier to lose sight of the importance of sharing the Gospel. Trust me. I have far to often been guilty of the sin of knowing the good I should do and not doing it. But I was praying and reading this morning, and I was overwhelmed that my people, Americans, are dying and going to hell too. I don't forget about them. So when it comes to July 4th, please celebrate that you are an American. It's an enormous blessing from the Lord that most people worldwide can't even fathom. But please don't forget that your neighbors, family members, and friends don't know the Gospel. And encourage me in seven months when I am back in the States to not forget that either. :)

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